Wednesday, April 1, 2009

5 - Making Films with

This site was far more suitable for film making then however, still a little complicated for children to use initially. I believe a teacher should guide them through the site first and then allow them to create their own film. Child users usually work out how to use the site quite quickly as they are not afraid to click buttons on the site, which means they are learning from their mistakes.

The content and images on the site are much more 'child friendly' hence its association with the ABC. I did try to access the site recently and could only access instead of .au. This site offers many options in film making, it allows students to watch a film, to add to the film or create one from scratch.

I can see this website used in an English classroom as children are learning about writing stories and being asked to write the ending to a story. A teacher may compare this to say writing the ending to a film and how different people will come up with different endings.

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