Friday, April 24, 2009

5 - Animations -


I absolutely loved this site and could spend all day creating different lego characters. The site allows you to create your own character by changing different parts of the lego characters' body including arms, legs, hair styles, skin colour, items to hold in their hand and even the background.

Children would have fun creating their own lego characters, printing them and displaying them in the classroom. They may even write a story and save their characters images and then put them into their word processed stories in technology class.

As this site is 'kid safe' unlike many other lego websites, I used my children as guinea pigs and asked them to create a character using the site. Well I could not get them off the computer. The problem was we had to print each one (mind you they created 5)!!! My children are 4 and 6 years of age and they both found the site easy to use although my four year old obviously needed a little assistance but enjoyed the experience. My children both took their printouts to school and kinder for 'Show & Tell' and their teachers asked me for the website.

Some of the characters created by the family are below:

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