Wednesday, April 1, 2009

5 -

This website was one of my favourites along with
Both sites are exciting and so easy to use.

Sketchswap encourages people to complete a sketch of anything using a mouse (like in paint) and then click on the button to swap images. The user is then sent an image from somebody else in the world.
In other words, like an email but you do not know who is sending you the image or what you will receive.

I used this site at home with my children and was a bit frightened as to what was going to come back. Fortunately, the image sent to us was appropriate but I probably would not use this site in the classroom in case a student did receive an inappropriate image. However, I would like to find a site that allows children to do this within the school for Grades Prep to year 6 as I think it would be great in Art Class (incorporating ICT) it's fun and encourages children to draw.

I am not a very good drawer, my image is below (a bart simpson type character) and the second image is what I got back after swapping. The image I received is fantastic.

The first image is the one I drew and the second is the one I received.

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